COMPEL Omeka Dev

Jane Rigler



Jane Rigler


Jane Rigler began her specialty in contemporary flute performance at Northwestern University where she received her Bachelors in 1988. She developed her work further at University of California, San Diego where she received her Masters and Ph.D in the mid-90s. She studied in Paris, and performed in Darmstadt as well as other new music festivals. Her international career performing edgy, complicated compositions as well as becoming a professional improviser started while living in Spain between 1994-2003. In New York (2003-2009) she performed with established contemporary ensembles and to this day is a featured soloist in many international electronic music festivals and with various ensembles.

Her compositions play with hidden languages, recall ancestral songs, incorporate game techniques and invite all to imagine and improvise. As a certified Deep Listening® facilitator, she designs inclusive listening experiences for all people and thrives at artist residencies like Civitella Ranieri, Montalvo, Ucross, Hambidge, and Harvestworks that promote her collaborative nature. During her US-Japan Friendship Creative Artist Fellowship, Jane performed over twenty concerts in Japan between 2009-2013. In 2016 she toured in Italy, France, Germany, Finland and Spain offering workshops and concerts with a NewMusic USA grant. Jane was awarded a Teaching/Scholar Fulbright in Ireland, where she taught Experimental Music and Deep Listening at University College Cork, and studied Irish (Gaeilge), Sean-nós and learned the ancient Ogham scripts for a series of new compositions based on the stones, ancient trees and landscapes. An Associate Professor at the University of Colorado (UCCS) in the Visual
and Performing Arts Department, she teaches Deep Listening®, Sound Art, Intro to Computer Music, Creative Music Ensemble, Flute, Composition, Improvisation and Humanities courses that integrate listening with various disciplines fields. She is an affiliate faculty with the Lyda Hill Institute for Human Resilience where she is focusing on expanding her Deep Listening© research and community work.




“Jane Rigler,” COMPEL Omeka Dev, accessed September 8, 2024,


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