COMPEL Omeka Dev

Timothy Moyers Jr.



Timothy Moyers Jr.



Biographical Text

Timothy Moyers Jr. is a composer and audio-visual artist originally from Chicago. He is currently an Assistant Professor of Music Theory and Composition at the University of Kentucky and supervises the Electroacoustic Music Studio. Prior to joining the University of Kentucky, Timothy was an Assistant Professor in the Department of Human Centered Design at IIIT-D (Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology), Delhi, India where he was the Founder & Director of ILIAD, Interdisciplinary Lab for Interactive Audiovisual Development, and GDD Lab, Game Design and Development Lab. He completed his PhD in Electroacoustic Composition from the University of Birmingham (England), an MM in New Media Technology from Northern Illinois University (USA), a BA in Jazz Performance and a BA in Philosophy from North Central College (USA).


“Timothy Moyers Jr.,” COMPEL Omeka Dev, accessed March 4, 2025,


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