COMPEL Omeka Dev

Browse Items (868 total)

  • Synclavier Concert, Lionel Hampton School of Music, University of Idaho, March 18, 1986.
  • A.K.A. ‘Hommage to Orpheus’ originally composed to accompany sculpture by Varujan Boghosian.
  • Blueprints of Eternity is a ten-minute fixed media work that uses the simple yet reliable kitchen timer as its sole sound source. As the work progresses, time is deconstructed, leading to the discovery of a reality occurring at the microtemporal level. After exploring this sound world, the listener hears the rebooting of time itself, before being snapped back to the present.
  • This work reflects on human impacts on biodiversity.
  • Acousmatic Work

    Bind Up My Wounds, for fixed media, is an adaption of a piece originally written for an interactive dance collaboration. The work is centered around a monologue taken from Shakespeare’s “Richard III,” in which the main character, King Richard, reflects on the various acts he has committed to achieve his throne. Using this text, the work attempts to create a narrative that examines the human conscience, and one’s own awareness of it. The monologue is split into several sections, meant to depict both Richard’s consciousness as well as the external pressures and commentaries that drive his actions.
  • computer-assisted composition and computer-generated sounds (additive synthesis) produced with DISSCO

    Big Gizmo is a computer-assisted (algorithmic) composition using additive synthesis sounds. It was produced with DISSCO, original software for composition and sound design developed at the Computer Music Project of the UIUC Experimental Music Studios and Argonne National Laboratory. It is also a manifold composition: the total duration of the piece, the durations of sections and events, their start times as well as various characteristics of the sounds (spectrum, frequency, loudness, modulations, spatialization, reverberation, etc.) depend on random selections within set limits. Multiple runs produce multiple variants of the same structure, a family or a class of compositions whose members are equally valid.
  • Beyond the boundaries of earth to the vastness of the universe.
  • Another installment in my found soundscape series; Below the written pitches spectrally extracts sound beneath the written pitches of Brian Ferneyhough's Superscriptio for solo piccolo to reveal recording anomalies, latent undertones, and mechanical noises.
Output Formats

atom, dcmes-xml, json, omeka-xml, rss2