COMPEL Omeka Dev

Browse Items (868 total)

  • The piece deconstructs a piece of traditional Iranian music and puts it through multi-layered transformations to produce entirely new sonic material
  • Raphael Radna is a composer of acoustic and electronic music whose works embrace unconventional compositional strategies and new technologies. His music has been performed in concerts, festivals, and conferences across the United States and in Japan, including at the International Computer Music Conference, the New York Electroacoustic Music Festival, the California Electronic Music Exchange Concerts, the UCSB Summer Music Festival, and the Osaka University of Arts Electroacoustic Music Festival. Raphael is currently pursuing a PhD in Music Composition at UC Santa Barbara, where he studies with João Pedro Oliveira and Curtis Roads.
  • This piece shows two interfaces ( Electronic_Khipu_ and Kanchay_Yupana//) inspired by pre-colonial Andean technologies, made invisible by the processes of colonization of Abya Ayala; The Khipu is an ancient textile computer used for the processing and transmission of information encrypted in knots; the Yupana, is a tangible calculator based on the placement of seeds on boards divided into boxes used to perform arithmetic operations.
  • Rim Knock.wav
Output Formats

atom, dcmes-xml, json, omeka-xml, rss2