COMPEL Omeka Dev

Browse Items (868 total)

  • Performance Notes: The Bringer of Life is a programmatic composition representing the Panspermia Theory with musical elements. The sharp rhythms, dense textures, and freely chromatic harmonies are orchestrated in a manner that, in my mind, programmatically represents celestial bodies impacting our planet in it’s beginning stages billions of years past. This work should be performed aggressively, in strict time (no rubato), and with no breaks (rit) in between ‘sections.’ It might be helpful to imagine comets striking our planet’s surface when internalizing The Bringer of Life.
  • I find myself sometimes lost and unsure within the compositional process. Whether the work is an acoustic, electronic, or a combination of both, I often find the struggle is the same. A Blade Within is a fix media 2 channel stereo work that found it's conception within the struggle of the composer's processes. I try to express these subjective operandi by means of raw, as well as manipulated sound sources. The final gesture of the work accentuates the nucleus of the main idea.
  • Kyma processing of human voices and lobby sounds

    Lobby Reforms is a live computer processing audio environment that brings the pre-concert sounds of people passing through the lobby into the concert hall (as well as back into the lobby) in an informal collage of social activity. Microphones are placed at key locations in the lobby to gather the sounds of people arriving for this concert, buying tickets, discussing the printed concert program, chatting about the day, and just milling about before the concert itself begins. The audio sources are processed in real-time and then directed back through the sound system to create a sonic environment that leads organically into the concert itself as the lobby sounds eventually diminish as a result of the audience leaving that space for the concert hall.
  • 2-, 4-, & 8-channel TimeLines available

    Published on audio CD: Ghost Strings, Patricia Strange , violin. IMG Media, CD-02-01, 2006.s

  • 2-, 4-, & 8-channel TimeLines available
  • 2-, 4-, & 8-channel mixes available

    Published on audio CD: In Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the University of Illinois Experimental Music Studios (1958-2008), 2008.

  • 2- & 4-channel mixes available

    Published on 60×60 Crimson Mix, 2010


    Composed in memory of Allen Strange (1943 – 2008)
  • 2-, 4-, & 8-channel mixes available
Output Formats

atom, dcmes-xml, json, omeka-xml, rss2