COMPEL Omeka Dev

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  • graeme.jpeg
  • Audio/MIDI Sequencer with piano roll
  • "Hazy Moonlight for soprano saxophone, percussion, and electroacoustics takes its inspiration from five haiku by poet Wally Swist:

    thistledown seeds the falls
    a full moon shatters
    into stars

    slipping through moonlight
    a waterthrush rushes
    rock to rock

    cloud wisps across the moon
    gusts of rain patter among
    piles of fallen leaves

    bracing the chill
    moonlight rushes
    in the icy river

    mountain laurel blossoms
    a luminous moth
    ascends into moonlight

    Swist’s vivid scenes depict the moon’s appearance across the seasons, creating an organic foundation for the work’s structure and soundscape. The instrumentalists’ virtuosic foray through Swist’s evocative work conjure varied images of the moon as a brilliant force, a mysterious beacon, and a luminous orb. Hazy Moonlight was commissioned by the Barlow Endowment for Music Composition at Brigham Young University for the Bent Frequency Duo, and is dedicated to both with admiration and appreciation. The haiku appear with the author’s permission and are published in Modern Haiku, The Silence Between Us (Taylorville, IL: Brooks Books, 2005), and The Windbreak Pine (Ormskirk, UK: Snapshot Press, 2016.)"
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