COMPEL Omeka Dev

Browse Items (868 total)

  • Bregman Electronic Music Studio. The composer’s only work using exclusively sounds from a Moog III synthesizer. GRM refers to the Groupe de Recherches Musicale in Paris, France.
  • Sources recorded in Havana, Cuba, recordings of Pablo Milanes, voices Marysa Navarro and Perico Irizoqui using most advanced Synclavier.
  • Composed for choreographer Ellenore Scott’s eponymous dance piece. Premiered 30 October 2015 at Whitman Theater, Brooklyn College.
  • the sounds are meant to evoke a car slowly breaking down and eventually ending up on the side of a desert highway, eventually abandoned by the owner.
  • This piece is an expression of the duality of human beings, torn between desire and solitude.

    This piece is an expression of the duality of human beings, torn between desire and solitude. The bigger the desire becomes, the tougher the solitary confinement of our minds becomes. The marble in a glass plate and a large closed door in the piece represent desire and solitude respectively. The marble slowly rolls towards the desire. It rolls faster and faster–and louder and louder–but cannot depart from the confines of the plate. The marble stands before solitude. When solitude vanishes, the marble rolls again. The closed door is human solitude. The door is attempted to be prized open but remains shut still. It is pushed against more strongly, to the point of being dented. The door groans in pain. It still remains shut as if being full from within. It defies any entrant. The marble and the door are unified in their isolation. Self-confined space is sad.
  • An interactive acoustic piece for pianist, Disklavier, and Max.

    Heliacal Rising (2015), from the Greek heliakōs, is the rising of a star or celestial object while or just before being obscured by the sun. I approached this second interactive player piano piece with a similar set of processes but a very different mindset, focusing more on texture and expression.
  • Composer dances in a field on Jericho Street in Hartford, Vermont to music composed after filming by Carlos Pienado.
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