COMPEL Omeka Dev

Browse Items (868 total)

  • Spatial Soundscape with Orchestra in the Foreground
  • Cardiac Cycle was written with two concepts in mind; the physical blood flow through a body and the concept of computer cycles. Embedded throughout the piece is an ever accelerating heartbeat, creating a sense of increasing panic and stress. This is coupled with the calm and repetitive sounds heard in the electronics and live processing.
  • Ethereal Remission (2013) was written to imitate natural and animalistic noises. The fixed media includes sounds of whale calls, elk mating calls, and nightingale songs. There are three (3) parts of the piece, the first and third are imitations of the whale song and elk calls but the second part is set to contrast the other sections with percussive trombone techniques. This piece was premiered by Alex Buehler on April 26, 2012.
  • the sounds are meant to evoke a car slowly breaking down and eventually ending up on the side of a desert highway, eventually abandoned by the owner.
  • I was inspired to write this piece after attending a Colorado Symphony Orchestra performance of only Claude Debussy works. In that spirit, the piece uses only the notes and harmonies found in the whole-tone scales, starting in E whole-tone and ending in D-flat whole –tone.

    Shaula: The Sting of Scorpius is a reference to the final star that makes the point of the stinger in the constellation Scorpius. The story of Scorpio is that the great Greek hunter Orion was on a hunting excursion with Apollo and Artemis. While on their journey Orion boasted that he was such a great hunter that he would kill every animal there was to prove himself. Apollo was the Greek God of animals and was so upset by this threat that he created Scorpio, a giant scorpion, to kill Orion. In one version of the tale the scorpion kills Orion, in another Artemis accidentally shoots Orion with an arrow trying to defend him from the scorpion. Both Orion and the giant scorpion were preserved in the stars by Zeus to remember their great battle.
  • a mode of procedure :a way of doing something
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