COMPEL Omeka Dev

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  • Placeholder- Person.png
  • The majority of ""All the little spots in its Geography"" is, with a few exceptions, formed to create one large, constantly evolving drone. All electronics are made in SuperCollider and are either produced by DSP or built from sine tones (deployed in small clusters to produce acoustic beatings or in large, granulated pitch arrays to produce difference tones and other otoacoustic emissions). The practice of listening is emphasized throughout the piece to construct a feedback loop (both symbolic and literal) between instrumental output and aural input. Other otoacoustic emissions and phenomena, such as acoustic beatings and difference tones, are emphasized to openly explore the possibilities, boundaries, ambiguities, tensions, and otherwise otherworldly conditions of their production. ""All the little spots in its Geography"" aims to collapse the boundary between instruments and ears.
  • A Mollenhauer alto recoder is realtime controlled via computer: blowing intensity, fingering, vibrato, flutter-tounge-effect, Helium pitchbend

    All sound ist acoustic, also percussive artifact sounds form fingers. The fingers can be positioned by linear actuators for experimental fingerings. No solenoids, analog MIDI controllers. First public performance in 2021 based on fixed Media (=MIDI file) in a duet with human flautist.
  • This stereo fixed media composition explores timbrel relationships of seemingly disparate materials as they co-mingle, evolve, and transform. The real and synthetic fuse and diverge in what is, at times, a surreal soundscape. This work represents the first movement of a multi-movement acousmatic work entitled The Persistence of Time and Memory, inspired in part by Salvador Dali’s painting The Persistence of Memory as well as by contemporary theories of time and perception/cognition.
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atom, dcmes-xml, json, omeka-xml, rss2