COMPEL Omeka Dev

Browse Items (868 total)

  • Bregman Electronic Music Studio. Using Synclavier and 24-track studio at Stiftelsen Elektronmusikstudion Stockholm.
  • Adapted from ‘Scene Unobserved.'
  • Bregman Electronic Music Studio. Tape piece using source material collected in New York City.
  • Live Synclavier piece recorded January 12, 1980.
  • Source material from the Rachmaninov 'Etude Tableau'.
  • Bregman Electronic Music Studio
  • Source material recorded in Tokyo, Japan and by Kojiro Umezaki, shakuhachi.
  • Source material from Russian music, internet, and voice of Yuri Spitsyn and the composer.
  • First compositions using the Dartmouth Digital Synthesizer composed at the Thayer School of Engineering.
  • Written shortly after the congressional hearing regarding Planned Parenthood in September 2015, this work seeks to address the concept of duality while denaturing the toxic rhetoric that has dominated our political landscape. The audio samples used are from the hearing, and changes in the electronics are triggered by pitch input from a contact microphone attached to the oboe–no intervention on the part of the performer is required.
Output Formats

atom, dcmes-xml, json, omeka-xml, rss2