COMPEL Omeka Dev

Browse Items (868 total)

  • 2-, 4-, & 8-channel TimeLines available
  • Composed using the Dartmouth Digital Synthesizer at the Thayer School of Engineering.
  • What is the voice inside the machine? While computers perform tasks that extend the abilities of our own minds, they increasingly act as independent entities. Synapse_circuit serves not as a direct analogy between these two ideas, but rather as a symbol of human-machine interaction. The computer augments the percussionist’s performance, and improvises sounds based on his or her playing using algorithmic processes in Pure Data. The percussion performance consists of glasses, bottles, and a bowl, which the performer hits, scrapes, blows and sings into. All sounds produced by the computer are derived from the real time performance. Both human and machine performers work from a score, but listen and respond to the performance of the other. Synapses and circuits – human and computer – together find the music inside the machine. This work honors the complexity both of the human mind and its digital counterpart, taking us from wonder, to discovery, to celebration.

    Score and Pd patch available at

  • Originally released on the 2000 compilation Owasso Night Atlas, Sylvian's Wood (1996-98) convolves the voices and music of many 1980s pop singers.
  • A 19-minute work in three movements examining the impact of the National Security Agency's (NSA) massive surveillance programs on the condition of Americans' Fourth Amendment right to privacy.

    In early June 2013, security infrastructure analyst Edward Snowden leaked numerous classified documents detailing the comprehensive global surveillance programs and tactics carried out by the National Security Agency (NSA) in the U.S. and the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) in the U.K.  This revelation prompted widespread and heated concern over U.S. and British governmental policies in the bulk collection of private communications and internet data of citizens and foreign nationals as a means to counteract terrorist activities at home and abroad.  Surveillance State for soprano, alto saxophone and live electronics, op. 10, takes as its subject the impact of massive government surveillance on the condition of American Idealism, specifically in matters of the individual’s right to personal freedom and privacy, in the years following the events of 9/11.

    Part 1: Snowden / Interlude: Sacrifice Liberty / Part 2: Scherzo – The Fourth Amendment / Epilogue: The Leviathan

  • 2-, 4-, or 8-channel mixes available

    Published on two audio CDs:

    Insomnia, Kai Schumacher, piano. SWR Music/Hänssler Classic (093.334.000), June 2015.

    Here (and There), Jeri-Mae Astolfi, piano. Innova Records (Innova 846), January 2013.
Output Formats

atom, dcmes-xml, json, omeka-xml, rss2