COMPEL Omeka Dev

Browse Items (868 total)

  • Ranging over vast, unexplored territories, my new album features richly contrapuntal electroacoustic textures, electro-pop, field recordings, and atmospheric sound design.
  • “The Wonders” is one composition belonging to a larger international collaborative work entitled La Tempesta (2016). Inspired from the original Shakespeare work, “The Wonders” contemplates the importance of man’s relationship to nature; the oceans, and all life therein. It is hoped that “The Wonders” aesthetically persuades us to contemplate and consider our stewardship for the ecological survival of our oceans. From our thoughts come actions.
    Linda Marcel
  • A tape piece featuring the intricacies of a service bell.
  • Composition for cello and max/msp (digital delays and fixed media)
  • Can is an abstract work that interrogates a limited range of sonic material.

    Can takes two metal cans – a trash can and soda can - and crushes and shreds them sonically. It is a work of disrupted and transformed loops and rhythms shaped by strong spatial trajectories, and where classic compositional techniques of repetition and variation of material, within a strong formal design are at its core. This is a stereo version of a work that is conceived as a 5.1 piece.

    "Can" won at the (2010) VIII International Contemporary Music Contest "Città di Udine" the Special Mention and medal of the Senato della Repubblica Italiana for the “electro-acoustic music” section. "Can" will be released on the Taukay label in 2011.

    [description from SoundCloud- see link below]
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