COMPEL Omeka Dev

Browse Items (868 total)

  • The Mirror of Enigma (2004/2008) interprets antiphonal form in relation to the programmatic idea of an enigmatic mirror—a mirror that reveals a coexistent space in which behaviors and meanings appear in mysterious relations. There are three movements. The first, “Videmus nunc per Speculum in Aenigmate” — we see now through a mirror in an enigma, presents an initial confrontation with the enigmatic mirror. In the second movement, Images Fugitives, reflections take flight within the mirror, then in the concluding movement, Transfiguration and Ecstasy, the reflections are mysteriously transfigured and attain a state of ecstasy. The electroacoustic sounds are created from recombining transformed spectra of harp tones, as well as from samples of the instruments played in the acoustic ensemble.
  • A year's worth of recordings of electroacoustic music using sounds from everywhere. STRING 1 represents a full twelve months of creating electro/acoustic pieces and beds that I then layered and edited together into one single piece. My concern is making something that is continually interesting to the ear. I followed Luc Ferrari’s lead in building and moving, always toward new ideas. STRING tries mostly to manipulate timbre and space, creating the listened to sounds.
  • closed
  • untangle my tongue (2011) is a piece for fixed media in collaboration with poet, Alix Anne Shaw. We sent each other small samples of new work for use as material to inspire new words or music. After months of trading work back and forth, the piece was realized. Some sounds in the piece are cicadas, cars/trains, text being read by Alix and whispered by Hilary Purrington, and various instrumental sounds.

    The title is taken from Alix's poem inspired by my sounds, Small Bang Theory. It directly references that there is text that is altered, distorted, and overlapped. However, a deeper statement is being made about the current pace of our lives. I am a culprit of this technology and social media-driven lifestyle. Yet, when I went on walks to record sounds for this piece, I was forced to slow down, listen, and be present and engaged in the sounds around me.

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