COMPEL Omeka Dev

Browse Items (868 total)

  • Contact the composer for performance materials.
  • fixed audio piece using recordings of breath sounds, toys and whistles. Best diffused over a multi-channel playback system.

    Breathing 2: Re/Inspiration has its origins in a piece I composed roughly 20 years ago entitled "Breathing." That was a very early work for me, and I have wanted to revisit the idea for a long time. This new work uses some of the original source recordings of toys and whistles (which I have been using for teaching demonstrations for years), combined with breath sounds made by my wife that I recorded nearly 10 years ago, and just a few small portions of the original piece. The composition is inspired by various aspects of breath: breath as necessary for the functioning of the body, breath as related to life force/energy, breath as meditation, breath as rhythm, and breath as self-expression.
  • Fractus I received first prize in the 2012 ASCAP/SEAMUS Student Commission Competition.
  • Justly-tuned guitar harmonic samples composed with rhythmic ratios and pleasant squares.
  • First movement of the three movements piece for Saxophone and live electronics. Live processed with Max/MSP and RTcmix. Premiere: Mar. 2015, Cohen Family Studio, CCM, Cincinnati
  • Second movement of the three movements piece for Saxophone and live electronics. Live processed with Max/MSP and RTcmix. Premiere: Oct. 2015, Cohen Family Studio, CCM, Cincinnati
  • Third movement of the three movements piece for Saxophone and live electronics. Live processed with Max/MSP and RTcmix. Premiere: Oct. 2015, Cohen Family Studio, CCM, Cincinnati
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