COMPEL Omeka Dev

Browse Items (868 total)

  • Ethereal Remission (2013) was written to imitate natural and animalistic noises. The fixed media includes sounds of whale calls, elk mating calls, and nightingale songs. There are three (3) parts of the piece, the first and third are imitations of the whale song and elk calls but the second part is set to contrast the other sections with percussive trombone techniques. This piece was premiered by Alex Buehler on April 26, 2012.
  • Three dark experimental sound pieces. Explores sound with abstract sound textures. Each piece is part of the process preparing for a live performance. All sounds were created in the box.
  • Analog Electronics focusing on distorted timbres
  • The sonic bed "Exhale" was featured at Roosevelt University Electroacoustic Festival (April, 2017).
  • This work reflects on the impacts of production and purchasing not taken into account in the costs of goods.
  • Algorithmic Lullaby
  • It was my wife who pointed out to me that I tend to fidget with objects for long periods of time. Feeling, manipulating, figuring them out as if touch were the only sense available to me. The resulting sounds tend to annoy her after some time. It was this vice that became the germ for this piece. Sound sources include a bicycle, foam, paper, metal water canteen, bicycle helmet, a lamp, and my wedding ring taped on a number of different surfaces.
  • The astounding view of Velasca Tower as a sort of score.
Output Formats

atom, dcmes-xml, json, omeka-xml, rss2