COMPEL Omeka Dev

Browse Items (96 total)

  • This composition uses sonification of the high, low, end of day, volume and stock sentiment from October 2020 to September 2021 on an intraday basis to illustrate the momentum and excitement that the stock caused.
  • Spherical tendency of wrist movement (STOWM) is an artistic project involving two performers, four gestural controllers, reactive video and immersive audio diffusion.
  • squareFuck is a performance where several Arduino boards are programmed in real time in a live coding setting.
  • This work is a musical piece in which the impressions we have of the weather are put into sound and how we feel when we listen to it is expressed through sound.
  • The mubone is an augmented instrument that tracks the orientation of the host object, a trombone, which effectively captures the performer’s movements for the purposes of real-time recording, playback, layering, and processing vis-à-vis a virtual 3D environment and a bespoke granular synthesis engine called mugranular.
  • The piece deconstructs a piece of traditional Iranian music and puts it through multi-layered transformations to produce entirely new sonic material
Output Formats

atom, dcmes-xml, json, omeka-xml, rss2